Saturday, March 26, 2011

Two for the Price of One!

Apparently I am feeling the need to be very "bloggy" today. And yes, I know that that is not a real word, but I digress. Maybe I am feeling particularly chatty because the house needs to be cleaned. Didn't we just clean this place.?! Surely it couldn't have become that dirty since last week.

Oh, but it has.


Stupid pollen.

I am adding spaces for effect.



Well I have often thought a great deal about a theory my dear friend Melissa has about house cleaning, and I have decided that her idea is GENIUS!!!
Melissa wants to live in a house make of plastic with a giant drain in the center of the floor. When it comes time to clean you house just hose off the entire place and let it drain. Kinda like the portable toilets in San Fransisco. Melissa does indeed have a brilliant plan, but I am left with a few questions...

Do they make plastic couches?
And how do I get one?


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